McLeod, Watkinson & Mill

McLeod, Watkinson & Mill

站名: McLeod, Watkinson & Mill


目录: 电脑网络 > 软件编程


Alexa: 2,328,472


服务器IP:   美国 弗吉尼亚州劳登县阿什本地区Verizon Online有限责任公司

描述: McLeod, Watkinson & Miller : Attorneys at Law

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McLeod, Watkinson & Miller is a small firm that has distinguished itself by delivering top quality, cost-effective legal services. By building on the best practices we gleaned from working at large, national firms and in senior government positions, we have established an in-depth knowledge base of the legislative, regulatory and political climate in which our clients operate. Since our practice is predicated on being attuned to our clients' business objectives, we have earned a reputation of dedication to our clients and for the delivery of excellent services in a timely manner. Our unique combination of knowledge and skills enables us to respond quickly to our clients' existing needs, and also to identify and propose solutions to potential problems.
Phone: 202-842-2345 Fax: 202-408-7763
One Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20001
