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描述: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Background Off| AboutRestore PageBackground On-Students talk at a table near UNC's Fed Ex Global Education Center on a summer day.Search, People or PlacesUNC.eduPeoplePlacesSearch TextSearch SubmitCalendar |Libraries |Maps |Departments |MyUNCMenuSkip to contentAbout UNCAcademicsResearchPublic ServiceHealth CareUNC GlobalArtsAthleticsText: Increase font size Decrease font sizePrintInformation ForProspective StudentsCurrent StudentsFaculty and StaffAlumniParentsVisitorsgiving to carolinaScience scholars start new traditionRead More »Beach bacteriaRead More »Beekeeping in BrooklynRead More »Mending a child's heartRead More »Eat This, Walk ThatWhat if you saw that it …Read More »More Spotlight Stories
Pollutants from incense smoke cause human lung-cell inflammation
Human cells respond in healthy, unhealthy ways to different kinds of happiness
Local students earn UNC degrees, Dean's List recognition for Spring 2013
Caudill elected to chair Board of Trustees; other officers, new members start
Caribbean's native predators unable to stop aggressive lionfish population growth
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North Carolina Area Health Education Center Program names new director
For more than four decades, the North Carolina Area Health Education Center (NC AHEC) Program has worked to improve the overall health of the state’s …READ MORE >>
Try UNC’s improved events calendar!
What’s happening at Carolina? Find out with a new events calendar that helps UNC offices promote events and helps the campus community learn about the …READ MORE >>
Happiness: different kinds cause human cells to respond in healthy, unhealthy ways
Human bodies recognize at the molecular level that not all happiness is created equal, responding in ways that can help or hinder physical health, according …READ MORE >>
New library website debuts
Explore UNC’s libraries through a redesigned website. The University Library’s new site streamlines access to research tools, makes it easy to request assistance and even …READ MORE >>
Folt joins campus leaders in national effort to restore federal research funding
Deeply concerned about major federal budgets cuts to research and higher education at a time when other nations are steadily increasing investments in those areas, …READ MORE >>
Faculty research funding increases to $777.8 million, up nearly $11 million
Faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill secured $777.8 million in research funding during fiscal 2013. That total is up nearly $11 million from the previous year.READ MORE >>
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Submissions open: Carolina Global Photography Competition
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Undergraduate Admissions 10 a.m. Information Session and Tour
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