站名: osu!
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服务器IP: 哥斯达黎加 圣荷西CloudFlare公司CDN网络节点
描述: osu! - Rhythm is just a *click* away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well
home3,179,852 users, 10,205 online now.A total of 1.63 billion ranked plays!InfoChangelogThe Game (PC)The Game (iPhone)The TeamScreenshotsRulesDownloadWiki / HelpFAQTerms GlossaryReport a BugBeatmapsRankedApprovedPendingBeatmap PacksRankingsPerformanceChartsScore
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Most Played Beatmaps over the last 24 hours
PlaysArtist / TitleCreator
25,889 Linked Horizon - Guren no Yumiya (TV Size)Kuria
20,436 Linked Horizon - Jiyuu no Tsubasa (TV Size)Kuria
19,580 Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! Cast - Heavenly Lover (TV Size)P A N
16,813 Sasaki Sayaka - Marine Blue ni SotteLaurier
15,909 Yousei Teikoku - Deep SeaNemis
osu! is a free-to-play online rhythm game
osu! gameplay is based on a variety of popular commercial rhythm games. While keeping some authentic elements, osu! adds huge customisation via skins/beatmaps/storyboarding, online rankings, multiplayer and boasts a community with over 500,000 active users! Play the way you want to play, with your own music, and share your creations with others.
13.08.15 August 2013 Ranking Chart (Makar)New chart! This month, we feature the winning maps of the osu! Beatmapping Contest #4. You can see the new chart here, and the packlist here.Read More / Comment... 13.08.08 osu! community contributors (Ephemeral)Over the past four years, osu!'s community has grown dramatically. Many users from places all over the world and from all walks of life have come together from a common love of rhythm. A few distinct individuals have taken it upon themselves to provide service to the osu! community at great cost to themselves - tools and features that many of us take for granted today. In light of this, a new profile badge distinction has been created, awarded only to those who have gone above and beyond their peers in contributing to our wonderful community.Read More / Comment... 13.08.07 osu!test now more usable (peppy)From now on, the osu! test build (supporter only) will now connect to the main bancho server, and allow for ranking and playing with normal users. I usually wouldn't announce something like this, but I want as many people to see this as possible. I am hoping that any supporters interested in testing bleeding edge features will permanently switch to osu!test and help iron out bugs before they hit the public release.Read More / Comment...
Online Users over the last 24 hours
Game Chat also connect from web or irc://cho.ppy.sh
22:23:27- Dusk - : cheesiest no
22:23:35ForbiddenTensei : Lets calm down
22:23:38i am aweso : lol
22:23:38- Dusk - : GrammarNazi
22:23:44kimutiiii : /addfriend litz
22:23:48cheesiest : fuck too dense
22:23:48- Dusk - : Didn't you try to correct someone before and you failed mis
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