If you are seeing this
page, it means that web has not been configured for this domain
on this server.
This could be due to the following causes:
Kloxo has not restarted the web server yet after you added the
domain. Please wait for the web server to restart.
The domain is pointing to the wrong Kloxo server. Ping the domain
and make sure that the IP matches one of the IPaddress seen in
admin home -> ipaddresses
If you are seeing this page when you try to access an IP like, then that means that the IP has not yet been
mapped to a domain. Go to client home -> ipaddresses -> ipaddress
home -> domain config and map an IP to a domain.
Once you map an IP to a domain, then you have to make sure that
the domain pings back to the same IP. Otherwise, if you try to access
the domain, you will get this page. So IP -> domain.com should mean
that domain.com pings to the same IP.
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