站名: Frédérick
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描述: Frédérick Giasson - Computer scientist, softwa
English Articles Projects Passions Blog
I am a data scientist, a software developer and an entrepreneur living in Québec City, QC, Canada.
I am the CTO and co-founder of Structured Dynamics LLC, a thought leader and innovator helping to mine, leverage, integrate and distribute [big] data using the semantic web, machine learning techniques and open source technologies that we develop.
I am the creator or co-creator of multiple projects such as: the Open Semantic Framework (OSF), OSF for Drupal, UMBEL, Citizen DAN, the Music Ontology, and the Bibliographic Ontology.
I am a man of ideas with technical knowledge.
My professional interests are various and principally in relation with data: Semantic Web projects development and integration, data mining, ontology development and maintenance, inter-linkage of unrelated data sources, Internet technologies, artificial intelligence, user interfaces and user interactions, electronic commerce, computer security and networks.
You can check my published and unpublished articles and the list of projects I have either created or in which I actively participate.
"Things are only impossible until they're not"
- Jean-Luc Picard
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