站名: free the bird
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描述: free the bird, leave the pane behind
free the bird, leave the pane behind
Eclipse IDE installation and configuration
Install Eclipse
I went for the PHP version (“PDT”) since it seemed to have a few bells and whistles (eg git)
The C++ support in Eclipse is called “CDT” and you can install it by adding this “Work with” repo: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/kepler
I installed “CDT Main Features”, plus optional Memory View Enhancements, Misc Utils, Multicore Visualizer, Qt support, (ironically) Visual C++ support, and Visualizer Framework. Not sure about these, time will tell.
Configure Eclipse
The biggest startup challenge is setting up key shortcuts. The default ones are pretty stupid if you’ve used Microsoft products. The main thing to remember is that you have to search for existing shortcut keys and manually remove them before you can add a new one, otherwise you will just get conflicts and nothing will work. This sucks shit but not too bad once you realize what is going on.
Set UTF-8 encoding:
Windows > Preferences > General > Workspace, set "Text file encoding" to "Other : UTF-8".
Set up projects
Open C++ perspective
Right-click project pane, New…, Blank Makefile, Other toolchain, use existing codebase location for workspace
Search…, Working set, Choose, New, Resource, Name = codebase, click on existing codebase location, OK
Comments | Friday, October 3, 2014
Using git for personal distributed repositories all synced with one team repo
git clone ssh://me@the-team-repo/big-project
cd big-project
git branch daily_grind # create working branch but do NOT check it out
merge-to = "!gitmergeto() { export tmp_branch=`git branch | grep '* ' | tr -d '* '` && git checkout $1 && git merge $tmp_branch && git checkout $tmp_branch; unset tmp_branch; }; gitmergeto"
git clone ssh://me@my-central-repo-server/big-project
cd big-project
git checkout -b daily_grind origin/daily_grind
git pull
# work work work!
git commit -a
git push
git pull # to get the team's latest
git merge daily_grind # to merge in your latest
# resolve any conflicts
git push # to push your changes to the team
git merge-to daily_grind # to push team changes to your work repo
Comments | Friday, January 24, 2014
A quick lesson in zip file C libraries
zlibTHE lib; only does ONE file, knows nothing about .zip containers; gz uses zlib, works on ONE file (the tar file, hence .tar.gz)
minizsome google code HACKERY that does exactly what i want (.zip handling in one header file) but DOES NOT WORK – erp, yes it does, id10t
minizipa zlib-bundled addon package that allows for working with .zip files
boostyou can bake zlib into boost but again, it knows nothing about .zip files, MOTHER FRACK
libzipANOTHER library, supposedly handles .zip files – REQUIRES ZLIB DOH, might as well use minizip
Comments | Thursday, Decemb
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